Having thick skin might be a good thing when it comes to personality traits, but it’s not a quality many people like associated with their feet. Calluses, which are rough and hardened bumps that commonly form on feet from repeated friction, dry skin and other irritation, can be unsightly as well as painful. Fortunately, calluses are usually harmless and callused skin can be quite easy to remove with a variety of natural, at-home remedies. Bonus: These callus removal remedies also work on corns and tough, dry foot skin.
Pumice Stone Callus Removal
The most common way of removing calluses is by using a pumice stone to gently exfoliate the hardened skin. Start by soaking the affected feet in warm water for 10 minutes or until the calluses begin to soften. Gently rub the pumice stone on the bumps, being sure to clean the stone periodically while scrubbing. It is important to not scrub the calluses too hard, as taking off too many layers of skin can be painful and can cause scarring. Follow up the pumice stone scrub by thoroughly rinsing the skin and using a good quality cream or lotion that locks in moisture. For increased effectiveness, try adding a handful of Epsom salt or baking soda to the warm water bath. Both act as natural exfoliates to help remove the dead skin.

Olive Oil and Sesame Oil Removal
Oils are particularly good for rough, dry skin, and both olive oil and sesame oil can work wonders on calluses. When using olive oil, simply rub a generous amount of the oil over the feet and cover overnight with cotton socks. When using sesame oil, gently warm the oil in a pan (taking care that it does not get too hot) and stir in a handful of sesame seeds. Allow the oil to cool, rub on the feet and cover overnight with cotton socks. Both methods will soften the feet and help reduce calluses.
Glycerin For Removal Of Calluses
Often used in soaps and skin care products, glycerin is a compound that draws moisture through the skin and slows and prevents evaporation and excessive drying. Therefore, when applied to calluses, it helps to deeply moisten the rough skin and return it to its naturally soft state. To use this method, generously apply pure glycerin to the affected skin while gently massaging. Afterward, slip into cotton socks and wear overnight.
Apple Cider Vinegar Callus Removal
Apple cider vinegar is used as a home remedy for a variety of ailments, and calluses definitely make the list. To use this liquid wonder for callus removal, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and tape it to the affected area, being sure to keep the cotton only on the callus, as the vinegar can irritate the surrounding skin. Leave the soaked cotton ball on overnight and exfoliate the affected area with a pumice stone in the morning. Rinse and apply a good quality lotion or coconut oil.

Aspirin For Removal Of Calluses
Though it’s a less common removal method, using aspirin can be an alternative way to rid the feet of calluses and can help with callus pain. Crush five or six aspirin tablets into a powder form. Mix the powder with one-half teaspoon of lemon juice and one-fourth teaspoon of water and mix into a paste. Spread the homemade mixture onto the affected areas of skin and cover your feet with a plastic bag for 10 minutes. Remove the coverings and rinse the area with warm water. Follow up by gently scrubbing the calluses with a pumice stone and generously applying a good quality lotion or cream.
*Note: People with diabetes should consult with a doctor before trying the aspirin callus removal method. Also, people with allergies to aspirin should not try this treatment.
In addition to the above methods, people with calluses should keep their feet generously moisturized. Dry skin increases the discomfort of calluses, and the rough bumps can only be removed when the skin is kept soft and moistened at all times. It is also a good idea to wear comfortable shoes and cotton socks when possible. When these rules are followed, it’ll only be a matter of time before those tootsies are back in sandals again!
READ MORE: Callus Symptoms, Causes and Treatment