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Foot Gymnastics

Foot gymnastics are games and exercises designed to develop and strengthen the muscles in the feet and legs. The barefoot activities are especially helpful for growing children who may be displaying signs of flat feet or other foot conditions, as well as for adults who are experiencing foot pain and gait problems.


Examples of foot gymnastic activities include:


  • Picking up small objects with the toes
  • Tying rope or cords with the feet
  • Stacking cups with the feet
  • Walking on textured objects
  • Balancing on bars or other objects
  • Toe spreading Walking on tiptoes
  • Calf stretches
  • Various barefoot games


Foot gymnastics can relieve foot pain and help a variety of foot problems, including:


Foot Gymnastics For Kids: Fun Exercises and Games
Kicks & Tricks
Gymnastics Games That Strengthen Kids’ Feet

Foot gymnastics for kids is both fun and healthy!
