A lot of us run from diets, but you can’t really run if your feet aren’t in great condition. Therefore, one of the most important diets is one that contributes to overall foot health. (See how we kind of just tricked you into eating right?) Anyway, we digress. As farfetched as it might sound, eating the right foods can do a world of good for the health of your feet, including preventing and relieving painful conditions like gout, swelling, calluses and more.
It might not seem obvious, but eating certain foods can have a tremendous positive impact on your feet. While wearing properly fitted shoes and adhering to a good foot-care routine can go a long way, diet is another effective way to control your foot health. For instance, chocolate and walnuts can help keep your heels properly moisture balanced, cherries can relieve muscle soreness, and asparagus can help reduce painful foot swelling. And these are just a few examples of how eating right can lead to happy and healthy feet.
Foods to Relieve Swollen Feet
A variety of conditions can lead to swelling of the feet, which is an oftentimes painful and uncomfortable condition. These foods can help alleviate the swelling and help your body flush out any excess fluid from your system.

- Asparagus: A compound in asparagus called asparagusic acid acts as a natural diuretic and can help reduce swelling and water retention.
- Beets: In addition to being a diuretic that can reduce swelling, beets are also a good source of antioxidants.
- Parsley: Believed to reduce the sodium and potassium ion pumps in the body, parsley is also a natural diuretic that can reduce swelling and water retention.
- Pumpkin: Pumpkin is a mild diuretic and can help reduce the fluid retention that causes swelling.
- Yogurt: Histamine is often a culprit in swollen feet, and the probiotics found in yogurt can reduce histamine-producing bacteria.
Foods to Alleviate Foot Pain
When general foot soreness and pain impedes your regular activities, try to incorporate some of these foods into your diet.
Cherries: This fruit is high in antioxidants, which helps relieve muscle soreness and reduce inflammation.
Ginger: This root is a natural aspirin impersonator and also acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Hot Peppers: The capsaicin in hot peppers stimulates nerve endings and depletes the chemical that relays pain signals to the brain.
Pineapple: The enzymes in this tropical fruit help your body repair strained ligaments.
Salmon: This fish, as well as herring and sardines, is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which improves blood flow and reduces inflammation in blood vessels and nerves.
Foods to Heal and Prevent Calluses and Cracked, Dry Skin
Our feet are all too often plagued with tough, hard skin that can lead to calluses and heel fissures. These foods help keep your skin soft, moisturized and nourished.

- Dark Chocolate: Loaded with antioxidants, dark chocolate can help keep your skin soft, supple and well nourished.
- Grass-fed Beef: Not only does grass-fed beef contain healthy omega-3 oils, it also packs quite a bit of protein, which is a building block of collagen and elastic tissue — both of which help keen skin supple and wrinkle-free.
- Oysters: These water creatures are packed with dietary zinc, which plays a significant role in the growth and function of skin cells.
- Pumpkin: This veggie is filled with beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A and uses for the regrowth of skin cells — or, in other words, soft new skin.
- Walnuts: These bitter nuts contain hefty amounts of omega-3 oils that can help improve the elasticity of your skin.
Foods to Improve Foot Bone Health
Each of your feet has 26 bones, meaning foot bone health is extremely important. These foods will help you get the calcium you need to prevent osteoporosis and conditions that can affect the health of your feet.

- Cheese: Filled with vitamins A, D, and K2 (which new studies show is important for your brain and bones), cheese is a delicious option to keep the skeletal health of your feet in tact.
- Spinach: This leafy green is packed with calcium, which is beneficial for your bones.
- Sardines: With amazingly high levels of both calcium and vitamin D, sardines pack punches of power for your bones and beyond.
- Tuna: This fatty fish contains good levels of bone-beneficial vitamin D.
As you can see, there is a smorgasbord of different food options to keep your feet happy and healthy. So order up!