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Believe it or not, the feet really are the health center of the body. Many serious diseases and health conditions show their first signs and symptoms on the feet. Conversely, proper foot maintenance is extremely important when one already has certain illnesses, such as diabetes. So here’s all you need to know about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of foot disorders, from achilles tendonitis to plantar warts, bunions to toenail fungus and everything in between.

Causes of Yellow Toenails And Toenail Discoloration
Not So Sunny
What Causes Yellow Toenails and Nail Discoloration

Nail polish, fungal infections and diabetes are just a few things that cause yellow toenails.

How to Cure Athlete's Foot
Fungus Free
How to Treat and Cure Athlete’s Foot

Here's how to kick Athlete's Foot to the curb.

cold winter feet in socks
Always Got Cold Feet? Here Are Some Common Causes

Poor circulation, hypothyroidism and female hormones are just a few things that can cause cold feet.

Foot with corns
Home Remedies
The Most Effective Ways to Rid Your Feet of Corns

Simple home remedies to help you rid your feet and toes of unsightly, painful corns.


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