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As your online podiatrist, the health of your feet is very important to us. Therefore, we'll help you achieve healthy and pain free toes, heels and soles with tips on preventing and fighting typical diseases and conditions that affect the feet like warts, calluses, ingrown nails, sweaty feet, cracked heels and nail mycosis. But this section is not just medical: Articles on footwear, massage, proper maintenance and care also assist in keeping your feet in their healthiest condition.

Diabetic Foot Care: Simple Steps to Avoid Foot Problems
Diabetes Care 101
Simple Steps to Prevent Diabetic Foot Problems

With just a few easy steps, most health problems associated with diabetes can be prevented.

Children's Foot Care
Parenting Tips
How to Spot Foot Problems In Kids

Find out how to recognize the signs of childhood foot problems early on and whether or not the symptoms call for medical attention.

The Pros and Cons of Laser Toenail Fungus Removal
The Pros and Cons of Laser Toenail Fungus Removal

All you need to know about laser eradication of nail fungus.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment: Powerful Home Remedies
Pain Relief
Ingrown Toenail Treatment: Powerful Home Remedies

Find instant pain relief with these easy to follow ingrown toenail treatment steps.

Skin cracks on heels
Goodbye, Dry
How to Cure a Cracked, Dry Heel Fissure

The ultimate guide to permanently getting rid of cracked, dry feet.

Causes of Yellow Toenails And Toenail Discoloration
Not So Sunny
What Causes Yellow Toenails and Nail Discoloration

Nail polish, fungal infections and diabetes are just a few things that cause yellow toenails.

Powerful Home Remedies That Treat Athlete's Foot Ichting
Fungus Free
Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete's foot doesn't stand a chance when you apply one of these powerful home remedies you may already have in your kitchen.

How to Cure Athlete's Foot
Fungus Free
How to Treat and Cure Athlete’s Foot

Here's how to kick Athlete's Foot to the curb.

Surefire Ways to Prevent Ankle Sprains
Game Changer
5 Surefire Ways to Prevent A Sprained Ankle

Stay in the running with these foot-strengthening tips and tricks to prevent sprained ankles.

What Is the Difference Between Podiatrists and Chiropodists?
The Difference Between Chiropodists and Podiatrists

The terms chiropodist and podiatrist are frequently intermixed, but are the foot doctors really the same thing?


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